White paper
White papers are like ebooks. A but smaller and with less content. They are also used to cover topics in more detail and work very well for lead generation.
However. A whitepapers are perhaps the least known to your company and least used type of digital reward on our list. This may be because most people tend to confuse them with smaller ebooks. A which often leaves them off the radar of most marketers and content producers .
However. A don’t be fooled. A as they are great for generating more leads for your business. It’s very easy to turn a large blog post. A or a series of bulgaria phone number data them. A into a Whitepaper and start promoting it. Give it a try!
What to do after generating leads?
One thing I believe is important to mention in this content is that it is not enough to just generate leads and fill your email automation tool . You need to think about your sales funnel and how you will convert these people into buyers of your product or service.
So. A before you start using any of these types to your company of digital rewards. A think about the strategy behind it:
- What information do you need to collect at the time of capture (name. A email. A phone number. A etc.)?
- How do you intend to get these people to buy from you?
- Will they receive any sequence of qualifying or sales messages?
How will you know when they are ready to buy from you?
Answer all of these questions and write them down on paper. A especially if you have a marketing team or agency involved in this process. This tally course fees : duration, benefits, eligibility & more way. A you won’t miss out on the opportunity to generate sales for your company from these free materials.
Another important point to remember is that to your company these materials may need extra gas to show results.
What do I mean by this?
Simple. A save some money to invest in Facebook numbers lists Ads . A Instagram and/or Google Ads monthly. This way. A your company will increase its lead base faster. A as well as generate a return faster to compensate for the investment made in digital rewards.
After all. A there’s no point in choosing the to your company best type of digital reward and then just keeping it to yourself. A right? Share it and do it right!
And speaking of free materials. A have you seen our library of free content ?
Take a look at the types of rewards we use. A download them to improve your content strategy and get inspired to create your own. Click here now to check out our free materials!