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The Role of Event Marketing in Brand Promotion

Event marketing, or the event as we know it, is a special type of marketing activity that includes organizing and holding various events aimed at promoting a brand, attracting the attention of the target audience and strengthening the company’s image in the market.

Event marketing is considered to be one of the most effective promotion tools. Marketing in Brand Promotion as it allows not only to attract hong kong whatsapp data attention to the brand, but also to create an emotional connection with consumers.

Benefits of Event Marketing

Strengthening the brand image. Organizing and holding events allows the company to demonstrate its uniqueness, innovation and care for consumers. Attracting new clients and partners. Participation in significant events, such as exhibitions, conferences or presentations of new products, provides an opportunity to establish contact with potential partners and clients, as well as expand the network of business contacts.
Creating an emotional connection with consumers. Organizing entertainment events such as concerts, festivals, or sports competitions helps to attract the attention of a wide audience and evoke positive emotions. This, in turn, helps to create a positive brand image and strengthen its position in the market.

Promotion of goods and services on the market. Conducting master classes and seminars, demonstrating new technologies the difference between vinyl siding and acrylic and products at exhibitions. Marketing in Brand Promotion organizing promotions and special offers – all this contributes to the promotion of the brand’s goods and services on the market and increasing sales volumes.

Increasing customer loyalty.

Organizing events aimed at satisfying the needs and interests of the target audience helps increase customer loyalty to the brand. Regular promotions, discounts, bonuses, as well as providing quality goods and services at affordable prices help strengthen relationships with customers and retain them.

It seems that there are so many advantages . Marketing in Brand Promotion all brands should allocate more budget for events and look for partners, clients and customers only in this way. But everything is not so simple.

Sometimes it is difficult to “drag” the right audience to an event, since after the pandemic, a trend has emerged to solve all issues online. This is exactly what online promotion is for: find an audience, convey value to them, bring them offline. And competent promotion should begin long before the event itself.

How do major market players operate?

Let’s look at the example of a major construction brand that has been holding the “Best Roofer” award for the fourth year in a row.

Main task:


  • popularization of the roofing profession;
  • search for new partners and contractors;
  • increasing brand loyalty among contractors.

The target audience of this project is builders who work in contracting teams. To inform them about the award, the following tools are used:

  • advertising in social networks;
  • advertising with bloggers;
  • mailings;
  • company websites;
  • third-party events and webinars.

“Word of mouth” is a great tool, but digitizing it can be problematic. But using digital tools to promote the award is a good idea.

It brings several bonuses at once:


  1. You get to know your audience better. For example, by launching targeted advertising for different audiences, over time you can understand what age, geolocation, interests your target audience has and what social networks they prefer. Having this knowledge, you can improve your marketing strategy and increase its effectiveness.
  2. You pay money to deliver information to those who are interested in it. You exclude those who are not your target audience and do not waste time interacting with them.
  3. You understand where your weak points are. For example, the award site takes a long time to load on a mobile device and there is a large number of drops in the referred traffic. Or the application process is so complicated that people close the page in the middle. By eliminating such weak points, you can improve the result many times over.
  4. The news hook and materials about the event can be used more than once. For example, the promotion of “Best Roofer” includes several stages: announcement of the start of applications, collection of applications, public voting, announcement of the award ceremony, and most importantly – a story about how the ceremony went, interviews with the winners, etc. Since the award is annual, all these phone number vietnam stages are collect into a cycle, and the results for each can be tracked annually.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: an event is need to promote a brand on the market, as well as to communicate with the target audience. But it must be approached wisely so that it is truly an effective working tool, and not just entertainment.