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Right after the guests’ presentation, Aline Deparis, CEO of Privacy Tools, asked the guests the following question: “After four years of LGPD, how do you see today the adequacy of federal agencies and the way in which the data of millions of Brazilians, in your view, are treated?
Public bodies also need to comply with the LGPD. Data subjects do not have the option of not providing data to public bodies. Graziela Kleinubing commented on the difficulties she perceives in organizations.
Adequacy in public bodies
“I see a huge gap in the adequacy of public agencies, not only federal agencies, but also state and municipal agencies – which we know, especially municipal agencies, have many difficulties. […] Public administration as a whole whatsapp data has many challenges. […] We see an even greater challenge for public managers to make adjustments in this regard. In addition to all these [problems], we have to think about the difficulty of hiring qualified professionals many times. […] There are excellent, highly qualified professionals in the market, but we still do not have enough professionals to serve the entire market.”
Data Ethics
“The LGPD is just one, although it is the hubspot service hub: put customer experience first important, but it is just one of the laws that should support the privacy professional. And then, taking into account that we recently changed the name of our area at Grupo Boticário, privacy is no longer the name. It is data ethics. I want to process personal data.
Data governance
“Privacy, data governance, information security, [all of them] have to be in the organization’s digital transformation strategy, right at the top. I think this is b2b reviews increasingly true in the public sector. […] It is extremely important to have on the same scale with the same weight and the same degree of importance up there, empowered in the structure, – data interoperability and transparency.”