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Key Resources for Working with SERM

Websites with reviews of companies, their products and services

This is the largest group of “reputation” sites. On such sites you can find reviews of any company, regardless of industry and scale. All these resources can be divided into 3 subcategories:

  • opinion leaders  – the most popular review sites, such as Otzovik, IRecommend, Yandex.Market;
  • high-quality review sites with good traffic and their own audience. As a rule, they are ranked below opinion leaders and fill the remaining positions in the top 10. Resources for Working with for example, Flamp (2GIS project, reviews and data are synchronized with each other), Yell.ru, Zoon, Otzyvru, “Pravda kulitov”, Spr.ru;
  • directory sites that can be france whatsapp data used to fill the search results starting from the second page. In some cases, such sites can be ranked in the top 10, but more often, resources from the first two points get there. Such sites include Orgpage, Yp.ru, Cataloxy, GmStar, “Pro firms” or Real Reviews.


Even if you haven’t found such sites in the top search results for brand queries (key phrases containing the company name).

Resources for Working with check them separately


1. Go to the review site you are interested in, enter the name of your company in the search window. The results may not be immediate: often the search on review sites works by direct coincidence, and when forming the digital advertising and marketing automation company card, they could have indicated a name that does not match the current one (legal entity, incomplete, with an error. Resources for Working with name before rebranding, etc.). In this case, try searching by website address or phone number.

Open the card of any company and see how the page title is form; perhaps the form LLC or IP is pulled up to the name.

2. Enter the company name and domain of the review site into the search engine browser. The system will give the most relevant results, among those offer you can find yours – this often happens.

3. Next, go to the company card, analyze all the information on it. Adjust the description: make it unique (check for plagiarism), add keywords. Look at how meta tags are formed (based on the company names on this site), optimize yours and send them to the moderators for replacement. Carefully place several optimize positive reviews.

2. HR review sites (reviews of employers)

We have already said that HR reputation can be singled out as a separate strategy for working within SERM, especially if there are phone number vietnam problems with hiring employees. Even if there are no such problems, but the company has strict requirements for applicants, negative feedback from particularly sensitive and touchy candidates is inevitable.

The employer’s reputation is also important for clients. A large number of negative reviews from employees can be a signal to them: “If they treat their employees badly, how will they treat me?”

Moreover, in their reviews, employees can reveal the attitude towards clients within the company. True or false – this will be sort out by the SERM specialist and management, but such information can scare off the audience.

There are platforms in this area: there are not as many of them as in the area of ​​product or service reviews, and there are also opinion leaders among them. Such resources include: “The Truth of Employees”, “About Labor”, “About Work”, Jobowork, TipWorker.

40% of the world market – both consumer and personnel – is make up of the generation of conscious consumers (Z, according to various classifications, transitional YZ) – people born in 1996–2003. Their characteristic features include determination and practicality.They easily refuse anything that irritates or offends them, they do not believe in unsubstantiat promises both in terms of work and in terms of purchases. Therefore, they value loyalty programs less and less, but their loyalty can be earn through reputation.

What should businesses do? Study the values ​​of the generation, take a relevant position and develop appropriate reputation strategies.

Head of ORM Department Ingate


For example, Adidas already stated about the transition by 2024 to… no, not space technologies, but to secondary raw materials – using only recycled plastic in their products. Starbucks decided to give up plastic straws, and Nike sewed a football uniform for the World Cup from plastic bottles, which they immediately and loudly announced to the world. As, incidentally, did such giants as Cisco, Siemens, Electrolux, HP, Samsung.

According to the Purpose 2020 study, the value of brands that have embark on the path of supporting ecology and responsible consumption has increased by 175% – they are preferre y 61% of Generation Z.

3. Marketplaces/large online stores

Posting reviews is not their direct purpose. But we highlight these resources in a separate category, as they are well rank by requests for reviews of a specific product. These are resources such as Ozon, DNS, Citylink, Wildberries and similar ones.

4. Specialized and industry-specific reviews

There are a number of topics where opinion leaders exist: specialized and industry-specific review sites. These are sites that are rank first in their field and compete for the top with and IR e commend. Here are examples of such sites by topic:

  • investments, brokerage services: “Broker Rating”, “Forex Rating”, Smart-Lab (more like a forum, very popular), Forex Broker Rating;
  • real estate: “Novostroev”, “VseNovostroyki.ru”, Restate.

You can find such sites by entering a query related to the topic of your business, for example, “reviews of developers/banks/clinics”, etc.

This article is an excerpt from the book by Ingate and Sape ” Believe. Love. Buy. Online Reputation and Sales “. Download and learn how to work with platforms base on the current reputation of the company, overcome Internet trolls and haters and win customer loyalty.