Privacy is present everywhere. Even minors have probably come across the issue. After all, they spend a lot of time on the internet and they have probably come across permissions involving their privacy.
The fact is that the subject has gained a lot of traction in Brazil. It is a topic that is constantly on the rise and is reaching different levels thanks to the greater need for media to integrate with laws, mainly because of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
Even the famous Turma da Mônica comic book released an episode that aims to democratize the subject of privacy and personal data for children.
The LGPD has specific rules for the processing of data from minors. To provide an overview of the subject, Instagram was fined R$2.1 billion abroad for exposing data from minors.
What does the LGPD say about the privacy of minors?
The General Data Protection Law provides a specific section for the processing of personal data of children and adolescents. In line with db to data and international legal regulations, Article 14 shows that the processing of personal data must be considered in the best interests of the child.
The consent of the parents or at least
One legal guardian of the child is required for the collection of personal data. In order to achieve optimizing lead generation efforts transparency. Data controllers must be transparent and state what data is collecte. The purpose and how the procedure is carried out.
A child’s personal data may be collected without the consent of a guardian on two occasion. When necessary to contact the parents or legal guardian. The second hypothesis is to think about the protection of the minor.
Be careful when entering data into games
Another interesting situation is about b2b reviews and applications. They are a passion of children and teenagers and they make up a large percentage of users.