Any metal siding is recommended only for cladding non-residential premises. Such material has increased strength, it perfectly resists impact loads. The color palette of metal products is presented by a full palette. Such panels are indispensable if the building has increased requirements regarding fire safety, resistance to mechanical damage and durability.
But metal weighs much more than vinyl home owner data acrylic, so it is Features of metal to use it for cladding a residential country house, but only if there is a strong foundation designed for increased loads. The material is easy to maintain, it allows the use of any type of detergents.
If you decide to use metal siding,
It is better to choose aluminum siding. It is highly resistant to corrosion, has a low specific weight, and the material has a low flammability rate. To extend the service life of aluminum siding, it is recommended to periodically carry out anti-corrosion measures. They consist of applying a polyvinyl chloride film to the panels or painting them.
The color range of aluminum panels is represented by all shades of the rainbow, their surface is smooth or embossed. A significant disadvantage cindy knight president such products is their weak resistance to mechanical impact, after which noticeable dents remain on the lining.
Metal siding is an airtight material that can corrode. Its disadvantages also include its large weight and the considerable cost of the panels.
When solving a difficult question on the topic of singapore lead kind of siding should be purchased for cladding your own home, you need to compare all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the recommended materials. You need to clearly decide for yourself which parameter to take into account – one-time costs or a long term of operation. We hope that the publication will help you make the right and informed choice.
Acrylic siding sounds nice.
Few people know what this material is. Many have Features of metal of it, but have not figured out the details, so they think it is just an advertising ploy, like the factories came up with another name for plastic panels “ship board” and are selling them at a higher price. Is this true? Let’s figure it out!
The first acrylic siding appeared in our country about eight years ago. It cost 1.5 times more than regular PVC siding (as it does now), so it was not very popular. Why overpay for a material that is visually no different from the usual one, but costs more? … Visually – yes, the differences are really imperceptible, but these panels have one very cool advantage: they retain their color much longer than regular vinyl! Below I will tell you why.
The difference between vinyl siding and acrylic
In short, the main difference between these two types is in the composition of the top layer. PVC siding is a two-layer material: the bottom layer (the back side of the panel) is responsible for the physical properties of the material (roughly speaking, so that it does not break upon impact), the top layer is responsible for its color fastness. So, in acrylic siding, the top layer contains ASA polymers – Acrylnitril-Styrol-Acrylester.
They allow you to preserve the original color of Features of metal panel several times longer. If regular vinyl siding can “boast” of ten years of unchanged color, then acrylic – twice as much! As I said, this was achieved precisely due to the addition of ASA polymers. Some ordinary people call this siding vinyl-acrylic, and this is almost correct, since there is more vinyl in this material than acrylic (the bottom layer is still vinyl and it takes up about 80% of the panel thickness).