Do you want to become For simple web resources, the AI Starter tariff is offer at a cost of $20 per month. The maximum number of site visitors per month is 10,000. If this threshold is exce, an additional $2 is charg.
For e-commerce, there is a separate series of plans, up to a dicat server for $250 per month, which includes Cloudflare Enterprise CDN and WordPress Multisite for free.
This platform is design to create landing pages
The creat sites are locat on the subdomains of But it is possible to place the generat web resource on your own domain, if the tariff plan allows it. The AI Blogging function will allow you bc data malaysia to create content using AI. However, the number of articles is limit.
Advantages: Do you want to become
- creation of SEO metadata;
- high-quality optimization for mobile devices;
- automatic sitemap creation;
- support for user scripts;
- website spe optimization;
- AI-power content creation;
- function of collecting emails from web pages;
- customizable themes and colors.
The minimum Starter tariff costs $10 per month and allows you to create 1 website. The service includes analytics, a customizable template, and styles. Suitable for individuals and small businesses. For those benji newman chief executive officer who want to get the maximum possible functionality, the Ultimate tariff is offer.
This plan costs $99 per month, which allows you to create 25 sites. AI blogging is available, but you can only generate 50 articles. However, you can translate your site into an unlimit number of languages.
This tool will allow you to create a website using a neural trust review network in just half a minute. To start generating, you ne to specify the input information. The rest of the process is perform by the NS. However, apart from the initial hint, it is impossible to influence the final result.
If you use the free plan, you will have to create a layout each time until you get a satisfactory result. Advanc features are only available in the paid plan. The constructor is suitable for landings or small blogs.