Despite the same origin – polymer, the materials differ from each other.
It turns out that vinyl and acrylic differ instagram data only in composition, but also in properties. External data do not have any special differences, so you ne to follow the situation:
- If the house is locat in a sunny area, choose acrylic – resistant to heat and fading;
- With insignificant snow and mechanical loads, vinyl can be us;
- For use in extreme weather conditions, such as those closer to the Arctic Circle, only acrylic products should be us.
The difference in the price of materials is anthony pazmino between – about 30% in favor of durable acrylic, and accordingly, the cost of components and additional elements is higher.
The optimal solution is a combination of siding panels:
- The base is cover with acrylic;
- Walls – vinyl.
Manufacturers of acrylic siding of proven singapore lead in Russia:
Which siding has better characteristics: vinyl or acrylic?
Siding is actively us for covering buildings and residential buildings. In addition to aesthetic appeal, this material provides effective reliable protection of walls from external factors. This type of finishing allows you to cover up old flaws in finishing, as well as prevent condensation from appearing on the walls.
The modern market is saturat with a huge selection of finishing materials, among which a noticeable niche is occupi by vinyl and acrylic types of siding.
Which one is better to choose? Let’s try to answer this question.
Characteristics of vinyl siding
This finishing material appear in Russia in the 90s of Differences between last century and continues to rapidly gain popularity, being the most popular on the domestic market today. Vinyl siding is bas on PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is actively us by consumers due to the fact that it has a lot of useful properties, including:
- chemical inertness;
- technological advancement;
- moderate cost;
- durability.
Vinyl panels are most popular in the construction of cottages or small residential buildings.
Vinyl siding is a set of prefabricat panels that are attach to each other like a construction set, snapping together with special locks. They are attach to the walls with anti-corrosion nails or screws.
Classification and marking
Vinyl panels are monolithic homogeneous PVC sheets that are given a specific shape. The size of the lamellas can reach almost 4 m in length and up to 255 mm in height. The thickness of the material is slightly more than 1 mm.
As for the color palette of siding panels, they can be pastel, white or color. In total, about 20 shades are present on the modern market. Which is better? Pastel panel siding is consider the most popular, since it is ideal in terms of price-quality ratio.
Panels with rich colours are usually much Differences between expensive. This is explain by the addition of special substances during the production process that prevent UV fading.
Form factors for vinyl siding panels can be S – single, D – double or T – triple: it all depends on the number of slats fasten together.
The numbers next to the designation indicate the width of the working panel in inches. As a result, the marking of vinyl panels looks something like this: T3 – a panel with a triple break, in which the thickness of each of the slats is 3 inches.