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Micro-website customizations for e-commerce

When talking about web personalization , strategies and best practices very often stop at the most salient and impactful activities such as, for example, the personalization of content banners , product and content recommendations , dynamic smart forms and behavioral messages, more generally.

But the world of web personalization does not stop there : there are in fact many forms of personalization that are probably less obvious but just as effective , if not more so.

These are micro-personalizations, mainly cyprus phone number data of texts and messages, which aim precisely to adapt the communication intended for the user according to their browsing behavior or cluster .
>But let’s find out in more detail what it is and why we can consider web micro-personalizations as a valid opportunity, especially in the field of e-commerce.

Web micro-personalizations : each user, a different story

Providing users who access an online store with a personalized and engaging browsing and purchasing experience is essential to improve the performance of the e-commerce itself, both in terms of revenue and audience loyalty .

After all, the goal is as simple as which siding is better – acrylic or vinyl it is ambitious to achieve: to equip the online shopping experience with the components and particularities that distinguish, on the contrary, the offline experience .

This is how web personalization allows you to shape the communication and offer of the online store as a good salesperson would do at the point of sale .

What about web micro-customizations? They phone number vi intervene at the most strategic moments and points to reassure and support the user in the navigation and purchasing process .

These are small SMS messages that are often displayed, as expected, in the most prominent sections of the store such as the product sheet or the shopping cart page .

But how do you get the most out of micro web customizations?

Micro web personalizations: start with a good profiling of your audience

As with any web personalization activity, to be effective, even micro web personalizations. Must be a “consequence” of a good profiling and segmentation strategy of your audience .


Personal data, tastes and interests, browsing preferences and purchasing behaviors are fundamental information to have and from which to start if we want to personalize each little message on our site according to the user to whom it is addressed.

In this context, the use of a Customer Data Platform such as. Blendee is essential because it allows not only to collect data and information on. Dsers , even anonymous ones, but also to offer personalized experiences by exploiting the full potential of artificial intelligence.