The customer is king”: said a famous mantra, today more relevant and true than ever.
In the era of customer-centric marketing and hyper-personalization of the customer experience, customer empathy becomes essential to face and overcome new challenges .
But how can you empathize with your users first, and then with your customers?
The first step is perhaps the most complex and involves a real shift in perspective that leads us to consider the customer, real or potential, not as a mere consumer, but as a person .
To do this, it is therefore necessary uae phone number data to abandon an objective perspective and go further, by collecting and analyzing as much data as possible.
If in the past, marketing trends and models had accustomed us to considering our audience only in terms of targets, that is, clusters of users identified mainly on the basis of specific demographic data (gender, age, education, employment), today it is mainly qualitative and behavioral data that play a crucial role in profiling and segmenting its users .
Understanding Customer Personality: Help from Psychology
Each individual has his own differences between acrylic and vinyl personality, we are different from each other, but in some ways, it will seem strange, we are similar.
Being able to know the salient features that unite several personalities becomes essential to segment customers.
Psychology also comes to our aid at this phone number vi point, and in particular the Big Five theory which, among the different theories on customer personality, is consider the one that can explain the most individual variability.
According to this theory, there are five major factors that influence customer personality and help categorize them.
Let’s find out in detail.
- Extraversion: The extroverted personality is characterized by sociability , talkativeness, assertiveness , and a high amount of emotional expressiveness . In contrast, introverted people prefer solitude, do not like to converse, and have less energy to expend in public and social settings.
- Agreeableness : People who score high on this trait are generally trusting , altruistic, kind, and empathize more easily with others . In contrast, people with low agreeableness are competitive and show little interest in others.
- Conscientious: Typically very worrisome, people who are characterized by conscientiousness are very goal-oriented and able to control their impulses effectively. Attentive to detail, they plan every move in advance and are usually aware of their ability to influence others.
- Neuroticism: Mood swings, emotional instability are the salient features of neurotic personalities. They are hardly able to overcome moments of crisis and cope with stress. Conversely, non-neurotic people tend to be more emotionally stable.
- Open-mindedness: This is the characteristic that unites creative and intuitive people . These are personalities who are eager to learn new things and experience new things. On the contrary, people who are not very open-minded are traditionalists and opposed to novelty.