DMP and more: the marketing technology market is constantly in turmoil.
Faced with post-modern consumers, who are increasingly informed, aware, hyper-connected, but also disenchanted and elusive, brands cannot do without their in-depth knowledge and their ability to supervise each phase of their customer journey .
Data and insights thus become strategically relevant to orchestrate the decision-making process of customers and prospects , but the right technological contribution is needed to make them actually useful and usable from a data-driven marketing perspective.
The martech sector offers many sweden phone number data solutions capable of meeting the most diverse needs in terms of data collection, organization and activation.
In today’s article, we have chosen to focus on CDPs and DMPs , trying to capture the added value that comes from their integration.
Customer Data Platform and Data Management Platform: Usage and Features
Use and features of the customer data platform
We have had several opportunities to explore the features and functionalities of a customer data platform in our blog.
But, let’s remember them briefly.
Although there is currently no the difference between vinyl siding and acrylic exhaustive definition, we can define the CDP or Customer Data Platform as a platform that collects and unifies user and customer data from multiple channels and sources, standardizing them at the level of a single customer view .
>Thus, thanks to a Customer Data Platform , you have the possibility of creating complete, accurate and up-to-date user profiles in real phone number vi time thanks to the integration of behavioral, demographic, transactional, or especially first-party data.
CDP enables data collection and standardization, but not only that: many. CDP marketing platforms have customer analytics services. Integrated with AI and machine learning for even more advanced profiling and predictive marketing activities . From data collection to data activation to customer journey orchestration: the most modern. CDPs integrate marketing automation , marketing personalization , and omnichannel campaign management features .
Data Management Platform: Features and Functionality
DMPs in turn collect information on ad performance to further optimize campaigns.