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Brazilian users appear in survey as interested in data protection

Mercado Livre has released its Transparency Report for the first half of 2022 (January to June). The document shows the public the care, projects and results achieved in relation to the security of the company’s digital services, terms, conditions, data and privacy.

The Report is divided into 4 parts: Information Request; Content Moderation; Property Rights; Privacy. The report  can be by anyone. There are 18 pages in total.

Brazilian users open requests regarding their data

Brazil is the country where users most email data information involving personal data management on the platform. There were more than 73 thousand requests in the period of 6 months by ARCO Rights.

Request for information

First of all, Mercado Libre provides how do you use data in your business strategy? with information that helps with investigations. Judicial and administrative authorities can request user registration data or information about transactions on the platform. In addition, in numbers, there were 19,624 requests for information. More than 95% of the requests were with the requested information.

Steps to respond to requests from holders

On the fifteenth page of the report (15th) the readers are what the privacy process is like.

First step:

The first stage is “clarity”, in which b2b reviews  explains what data is, what they do with the information and in which cases.