Another important issue is that freelancers rarely have knowledge of digital marketing and content marketing . The lack of knowledge prevents them and SEO sometimes from creating texts with commercial appeal, which can make it difficult to generate sales and results for your company.
Advantages of being a freelance writer:
- Lower prices;
- Varied availability;
- More informal relationship.
Disadvantages of freelance writing:
- Lack of business knowledge;
- Non-availability due to colombia phone number data accumulation of services;
- Failure to comply with deadlines and agreements;
- More generic texts;
III. Content Marketing Agency
A little more expensive than the previous and SEO sometimes option, content agencies offer complete content marketing services. They are experts in this strategy and have knowledge of inbound marketing, content generation and SEO.
In addition to producing content, content marketing companies help monitor results , define guidelines, map personas, and so on. They are great allies in the complete structuring of your content marketing plan .
It’s a great combination of quality texts and types of wordpress developer comprehensive consulting. However, due to the high demand for these services, you also need and SEO sometimes to be aware of the options on the market.
Investigate the options, listen to customer testimonials, case studies, etc. Only hire a digital agency if you are 100% satisfied and certain of the quality of the work .
Advantages of a content agency:
- Complete consultancy ;
- Agency immersion in the business;
- Know how;
- Baggage from other customers and segments;
- High knowledge of and SEO sometimes content marketing and SEO;
- Ease and assistance in measuring results ;
- Availability on demand;
- Guarantee or satisfaction policy.
Disadvantages of content agency:
- The price may be a little higher than self-employed;
- They may require payment in advance;
- A slightly more formal relationship.
Analyze each of the options above and numbers lists and SEO sometimes see which one best meets your business needs. Is an in-house writer better for you? Or a freelancer? Perhaps an agency would be more useful?
Check the characteristics of each hiring model and also the demands and objectives of your company. The one that meets your needs is the be